On April 29, 2023, leaders from the Association for Relations Across theTaiwan Strait (ARATS) visited WAM, they are Zhang Zhijun, president of ARATS,Li Wenhui, vice president of ARATS, Li Yang, director of the Economic Bureau ofthe Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, Su Zhenxue, first-classinspector of the Comprehensive Bureau, Zhou Minjun, director of the department,and Li Xin, secretary of the president. Other leaders accompanied with ARATSleaders, they are Wang Lixin, deputy director of the Shanghai Taiwan AffairsOffice, Ding Lei, director of the division, Xia Tao, fourth-class investigator,and Chen Jiayi, first- class staff member.
ARATS leaders warmly welcomed by WAM leaders
YangYujing, chairman of WAM, Shen Fei, financial director, and Guo Juhan, secretaryof the board of directors, expressed a warm welcome and warm reception to theleaders of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait, the TaiwanAffairs Office of the State Council, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the MunicipalPeople's Republic of China, the United Front Work Department of the Districtand the Taiwan Affairs Office of the District.
Cordial conversation and in-depth communication
Inthe investigation, Yang Yujing, chairman of the WAM, accompanied withgovernment leaders for the whole visit, and invited everyone to visit andinspect the exhibition area, introducing the company's series of products,manufacturing, and research and development of advanced products in details,the President Zhang and his entourage gave high praise and appraisal.
Afterwards,President Zhang and his entourage had cordial conversations and in-depthexchanges with WAM leaders. Chairman Yang welcomed President Zhang and hisentourage for their visit and guidance, and expressed his gratitude for thelong standing concern and support for the development of WAM to the Associationfor Relations Across the Taiwan Strait (ARATS), the Taiwan Affairs Office ofthe State Council, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Municipal People's Republicof China, the United Front Work Department of the District and the TaiwanAffairs Office of the District. Taking "technology research anddevelopment & innovative development" as the starting point, ChairmanYang introduced WAM's main performance, technology research and developmentachievements, product application areas, and enterprise development programs toPresident Zhang and his entourage.
Sinceits establishment, WAM has always focused on the category of speciallyformulated modified epoxy resin, and has continuously developed new modifiedepoxy resin formula types to meet market demand by closely tracking relevanttechnologies and application trends at home and abroad. The products havecovered many application series such as epoxy resin for wind turbine blades,epoxy resin for advanced composite materials, epoxy resin for electronic andelectrical insulation packaging, etc.
Recognitionand Affirmation
PresidentZhang and his entourage highly recognized the WAM's technological innovationand development in the field of advanced materials, and also affirmed WAM'scontribution to promoting the green and low-carbon development of the advancedmaterials industry and facilitating cross-strait technological and culturalexchanges and cooperation; President Zhang encouraged WAM to continue itsefforts and insist on innovation to make good achievements by continuouslyseizing development opportunities and improving product market share.
Atthe same time, President Zhang hopes that WAM will have the courage to shouldercorporate social responsibility to further deepen cross-strait economicexchanges and cultural cooperation in the field of advanced materials industry,making new contributions to the high-quality development of Shanghai economy,also making more positive contributions to the sustainable development of thedomestic advanced materials industry.
Adaptiveto demands, Innovative in action
In the future, WAM are adaptive to demands and innovative in action. Byunswervingly giving full play to its own advantages in technology andinnovation, WAM will move towards a more normalized, more standardized, safer,more efficient and more scientific direction, promoting enterprises to moveforward rapidly, and making positive contributions to facilitating industrialdevelopment!