WAM won the “Best Delivery Supplier Award” of TMT

2023-03-31 10:05:43

On March 28, 2023, the 2023 PartnerConference of TMT Wind Power Division was grandly held with the theme ofcontinuously establishing and maintaining "quality-oriented, coordinateddevelopment, value creation, and win-win cooperation". Hou Binbin, deputygeneral manager of TMT, and Gong Gaoke with other executives andrepresentatives from nearly 60 partners across the country attended theconference to seek common development of the industry.

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Wells AdvancedMaterials Attended by Invitation

Wells AdvancedMaterials (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as WAM) was invited toattend the conference. With innovative product research and developmentcapabilities, professional product quality and high-quality technical services,WAM won the 2022 "Best Delivery Supplier Award" which is the onlyenterprise in the blade epoxy resin industry to win this award.

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Demonstratingand Showing Company Competitiveness and Influence

This award fullydemonstrates that the WAM's product and service support has been recognized byTMT, and reflects the competitiveness and influence of WAM' epoxy resinproducts for wind turbine blades in the industry. As the largest supplier ofwind turbine blade resin of TMT, WAM has won the "Quality Gold Award"and "Best Customer Service Award" issued by TMT for many times, andwas awarded the "Outstanding Contribution Award for Ten Years ofCooperation" in 2021.

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Contributing tothe Large Blade applications to Break New Ground

From 2008 to 2023, WAM has reached long-term andstable cooperation with TMT in terms of new blade development, new materialapplication and material technology optimization, especially comprehensivecooperation of blade epoxy resin products stably supplying to TMT blade bases.Up to now, TMT has a variety of wind power large blade types using WAM windpower infusion resin for trial production and mass production, including 92meters, 96 meters and 110 meters, which breaks new ground for the furtherapplication of large blades.

With thedevelopment of large-scale blades, in order to continuously optimize thecooperation with TMT, WAM will continue to upgrade products driven byinnovative technology, guided by market trends and the demand of TMT.Meanwhile, for the win-win benefit, WAM will share and communicate with TMTwith high-quality products, innovative technical solutions and professionalservice support to promote the rapid progress of the wind power industry andlead the new materials and new energy industry to a bigger and more competitivebright future.

Empower thehigh-quality development of the industry

In order toachieve the goal of “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality", new materials has increasingly become the first choice for achievinggreen, low-carbon and sustainable development. WAM implements the developmentconcept of "technology & innovation” unswervingly and activelypromotes the application of new products, new research and development, new technologyand new solutions, which constantly stimulates innovation vitality, improvestechnological innovation capabilities, and promotes green and environmentallyfriendly new materials with practical actions, empowering the high-qualitydevelopment of the new materials industry.

message 021-69116380 wam@wellsepoxy.com