On October 13th, Wang Lixin, deputydirector of Shanghai Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office, Yuan Saidan, DeputyDirector of Economy Department, Gong Chang, director of CoordinationDepartment, and other leaders visited WAM, a council member of Taiwan AffairsAssociation, accompanied by Tang Xiaolin, Standing Committee member of JiadingDistrict Committee, Gu Jin, deputy director of District Taiwan Affairs Office,and Li Jinzhang, executive vice president of Shanghai Municipal Taiwan AffairsAssociation and Chairman of Jiading District Work Committee. Chairman YangYujing, Director You Zhonghua, General Manager Kang Yaolun and other leaders ofWAM expressed a warm welcome and reception to the visit and guidance of MunicipalTaiwan Affairs Office, District Taiwan Affairs Office and Municipal TaiwanAffairs Association.
Visiting and Investigating
During the investigation, Wang Lixin,deputy director of Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office, visited the company'squantum dot laboratory, HP-RTM laboratory, high-performance product workshop,wind power product workshop and other areas. Yang Yujing, chairman of thecompany, took "continuous innovation and development" as thebreakthrough point, and introduced the company's general state, competitiveadvantages, the impact of the epidemic on the development of the company andthe current difficulties and problems.
CorporateSocial Responsibility
WAM is a Taiwan-funded high-tech enterprise,integrating the research and development, production and sales of epoxy resinseries in the professional application field. The products application mainlyinclude wind turbine blades, new composite materials, electronic and electricalinsulation packaging and other epoxy resin application series. In recent years,the company constantly research and develop modified epoxy resin and otherformulations to meet the needs of different markets.
At the same time, the company shoulderedand guarded corporate social responsibility during the epidemic. It activelydonated “supply pack” to Jiangqiao Town residents, encouraged employees toparticipate in community volunteer services, and support the local epidemicprevention and control work.
To Support and Encourage
After listening to the relevant situation, DeputyDirector Wang Lixin said that he is full of expectations for the future listingof WAM on the Sci-Tech Board, and encouraged the company to seize the newopportunities in the development of the industry, also he proposed that WAMshould make good use of supportive policies, such as high-tech enterpriseapplication, employees settling down, to make new contributions to thehigh-quality development of Shanghai economy. Meanwhile, he hope that WAM willcontinue to do a good job in member development and service to help memberenterprises become bigger and stronger. The Municipal Taiwan Affairs Officewill do a good job in various services to precisely satisfy the needs of Taiwan-fundedenterprises, assisting them in further epidemic prevention and controlling to fullysupport the development of Taiwan-funded enterprises and businesses in Shanghai.
To Develop Forward
In the end, Chairman Yang Yu expressed warmwelcome and sincere thanks again for the visit of leaders from Shanghai MunicipalTaiwan Affairs Office, Jiading District Taiwan Affairs Office and JiadingDistrict Work Committee. He said that the company will continue to move forwardin the future development, and do a good job in developing and providingservices to the Municipal Taiwan Affairs Association, at the same time, thecompany will promote the development of the industry to make positivecontributions by continuous efforts in innovative research and development ofnew materials products.