WAM infusion resin successfully applied to 112 meters of the longest offshore

2022-07-11 09:49:42

On July 5, the S112ultra-long offshore wind turbine blade, independently developed by ShanghaiElectric Wind Power Group was successfully rolling off the production line atZhongfu Lianzhong facility. By using WAM’s wind energy infusion resin seriesLT- 5088A/B, at present it is the longest offline turbine blade in China withthe length of 112 meters.

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The ultimate Wind Blade

It is known that S112ultra-long offshore wind turbine blade is based on DFX Way engineers intellection to create an ultimate wind turbineblade by considering the production, transportation, installation andmaintenance of large offshore blades and other aspects of the whole life cyclein the blade development process. It combines structural innovation,platformization, and modularization design with a high lift-to-drag ratio/lowroughness sensitivity airfoil to further improve blade reliability, stabilityand balance, laying a good foundation for improving mass manufacturingefficiency in the future.

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Strengthen Competitiveness

It is understood thatthe generating capacity of 112 meters wind turbine generator system can meetthe yearly electricity demand of about 56,000 families and can reduce about56,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions every year, which provides strongsupport for the realization of the "14th five-year" new energy development,carbon peaking and carbon neutrality.

Verify Good Performance

The successful trialproduction of S112 blade also verifies that WAM wind energy resin has goodperformance in making large blades.  1. Low mixing viscosity, goodwettability to fibers, can shorten blade infusion time, improve bladeproduction efficiency;  2. The suitable exothermic temperature andlong pot life is conducive to the infusion of large blades.

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Application of large blade

Up to now, there aremany offshore wind turbine blades using WAM infusion resin, including YD110,S102, MySE 9 and so on, which lays a foundation for WAM to challenge theapplication of larger offshore blades.

Inject strong impetus

In the future, through continuousinnovative research and development, WAM will explore better epoxy resinsolutions to comprehensively deepen the strategic cooperation with large windpower blade manufactures, WTGS and other enterprises which will inject strongimpetus for the high-quality development of offshore wind power and boost therealization of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals.

message 021-69116380 wam@wellsepoxy.com